The current crisis we are facing is going to get worse. This is the reality we need to come to terms with if we are to make headways in controlling the further spread of COVID-19. We cannot take this outbreak lightly and insist on going through our daily routine as if nothing needs to change. On the contrary, a lot of things have to change. And many of these changes have to come from us ordinary citizens who are forced to stay at home.

While the brave men and women of our healthcare industry are fighting off fatigue, fear, and a barrage of diseases and infection on top of the current outbreak in the conduct of their daily duties, we are forced to stay in the safety and comfort of our homes worrying about the next thing we ought to complain about on social media.

While our military and police personnel are braving the heat and the ire of drivers and commuters desperate to get to work so they can earn enough for their families, we are aggressively checking out the lineup of movies and TV series we have not yet binge-watched on Netflix.

If you are not stressed out about your enterprise and the plight of your employees who you will not be able to pay because your business has taken a sharp dive with the expanded community quarantine, then you are one of the lucky several thousands of Filipinos with a job that can possibly survive this one month restriction of our “normal” life.

Between ranting on social media, watching TV, and struggling with the hardships of working from home, you may perhaps also become a hero. Here’s how:

  1. Step out only if you need to replenish your food supply, buy medicines, or go to the hospital. Everything else can wait.
  2. Keep yourself healthy. Practice proper hygiene. And insist that all your family members do the same.
  3. When replenishing your supply, be mindful of others. Yes, these are challenging times, so don’t aggravate the situation by hoarding and getting so much more than you need.
  4. Get informed and watch out for updates about the outbreak from credible sources like the DOH, the WHO.
  5. Share relevant and factual information that can help. Note that not everything that lands on your newsfeed is true. Double check the data and information before sharing.
  6. While at home, make the most of your time to rekindle the bond with your family. Be the voice of calm and reassurance.  Make them realize the challenges we are facing, but keep them hopeful and optimistic that we can pull through.

It’s been barely a week since the quarantine was declared. We have ways to go. So be a hero and do your share.

Article Image from Philippine News Agency (PNA) by Joey O. Razon