Resilience Online

Building the coalition through social media

Resilience Marketplace

RM is a melting pot of passion and innovation within the resilience space. Resilience to be sustainable must impact everybody’s bottom line.


RT brings resilience up close and personal to the bigger public. Through special events, we hope to excite and inspire others into joining the movement for resilience.


RT is our way of reaching out to decision makers. We will bring conversations on resilience straight to their ears.

The Resilient Print Edition

RPE makes sure that those without access to the internet get connected to bigger discussion on resilience.

Resilience Research

RR is our effort to contribute to the global understanding of disasters and disaster preparedness.

Resilience Standards

Consolidation of emerging best practices in disaster resilience

Resilient Communities

Collaboration in action to protect highly vulnerable sectors

At Resilient.PH, we are committed to fostering a world where communities and individuals are empowered to thrive in the face of adversity. We believe that resilience is not just about surviving disasters; it’s about building a stronger, more sustainable future for all. Through a diverse range of initiatives, we are working to advance the field of disaster resilience, connect stakeholders, and promote a culture of preparedness. Here are some of the ways we are making a difference: